Astoria Values is a Registered 501C3 Not for profit dedicated to serving the Needs of the Community. Our mission statement is to make Good things Happen. We believe that the greatest act of leadership is to serve others. During this challenging time amid school closings and a rising tide of uncertainty and fear, we want to help provide parents with support in any way we can. Reach out to our dedicated staff and see how we can help your kids with their academic journey and continue to make good things happen.

Good Nutrition On The Go!
Drop into Astoria Values Community Center for a Free Delicious, Healthy Salad Today! Astoria Values is dedicated to making Good Things happen! We are incredibly grateful to our Partners at Sweetgreen who have been donating Awesome Salads to Astoria Values as part of their effort to inspire Healthy Eating in communities throughout the Country! In addition to delivering these salads to members of our community throughout Queens, we have some salads earmarked for our Eat Healthy Drive. Thanks to the generosity and community oriented thinking of our Partners at Sweetgreen, there are a limited number of Salads available for pick up at our Center which is located at 23-01 24th Avenue, in Astoria, NY 11102. Drop in to our center for a Free Salad and see how awesome Salads can be!